Tuesday, 27 March 2012

48 - THE BED

 A little bit of cheating going on here, as most of this bed i made after christmas is bought timber. My reason for inclusion in the 52 project, is that there are elements of re- use in the construction of the bed.

A problem i had to overcome during construction was the bed had to be able to come apart. This was all good and well but both headboards are all morticed and tenoned by hand with mallet and chisel, well over 60 joints in both headboards. Both bed rails are dowelled and glued for the mattress supports to sit on.

It was decided, to enable the bed to come apart 4 brackets would be forged with leaf designs either end and a 90 degree curve. These were then screwed to the bed rails and 3x3 legs to provide structure and overcome the problem of glueing and clamping. Unfortunately this bad photo does not show the brackets, and seeing how the room is now in use it is not possible at the moment to take more detailed photos. Each piece of material for the brackets were taken from the scrap bin at collage to qualify for re-use and the post covers were cut from another bed that was given to me for the wood.
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This is in fact the other end of the Pestle and Mortar. Hand carved dishes at present being used for Salt and Pepper. Original intended use was food presentation.

Each dish is not 100% round but pretty close and done by eye. A hole saw drill bit could have been used, however a more handmade feel is achieved when using eye and judgement.

                                                                                                Wood has been left unfinished at present.

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